AAPORnet Guidelines

AAPORnet is a members-only listserv that gives members immediate access to the leading professionals in the field. AAPORnet can be read either on your subscribed email or via the website.

To change your AAPORnet subscription settings or unsubscribe from AAPORnet:

  1. Login to the Listserv management page using your AAPOR website login information.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the email delivery option you prefer:
    • Individual Messages: receive messages as they are contributed
    • Digest: one daily email with all the messages for that day
    • Unsubscribed: no email messages

You can change these options whenever it is convenient for you, such as before and after vacations.

When you hit “reply,” your message will be sent to the INDIVIDUAL sender. This is the default, in order to reduce the number of unwanted messages that members receive, cut down on embarrassing private conversations being broadcast to all and encourage interactions among members. If you feel your comments are of interest to the ENTIRE list, chose “reply all.”

AAPORnet welcomes any issue relating to public opinion, research methods, or to the organization and its membership. These include but are not limited to:

  • reports of study findings
  • public opinion regarding current events and politics
  • members in the news
  • transitions such as new jobs, graduations, retirements, and birth announcements

It is inappropriate to use AAPORnet for blatant commercial solicitation. Product reviews should be posted only in response to questions from other list members. Brief notices of opportunities for participation in omnibus surveys are acceptable. Avoid expressing personal political views; focus should be on public opinion concerning such views.

Each member can only be subscribed with one email address at a time. However, you can use a different email address for AAPORnet than for your AAPOR membership. This is helpful for members who want to use their institutional address for official AAPOR correspondence, but an alternate email address for the listserv.

Please include a link if you want to share an item of interest with the listserv. AAPORnet does not currently allow attachments. If your item is not otherwise available on the web, a free service such as Dropbox (www.dropbox.com) can be utilized.

AAPORnet is a listserv of survey professionals, and we expect everyone to use professional conduct. Treat people online courteously and respectfully. Most interactions and references to one another are on a first-name basis.

AAPORnet is not and has never been moderated. It is the responsibility of each member to participate in a professional manner. If you feel someone has violated AAPORnet guidelines, please send your complaint to the individual offender. AAPOR reserves the right to remove spam messages.

Each member is responsible for knowing their own institution’s policy for email and participation in listservs.

AAPORnet is a private, member-only listserv. Unless the original poster has invited readers to forward the message to other interested parties (e.g., call for papers), participants should obtain the poster’s permission before quoting in a journal article, news story, class materials, or posting to another discussion group or in any other venue. If you want to forward a link, cut and paste the link before sending to the new audience, to avoid disseminating the original poster’s personal information outside our list.

If you are responding to the list and quoting a previous message, please consider deleting excess text to keep the size of the message down. At a minimum, the footer to the previous message should be deleted. Keeping the size down will be beneficial to those reading via smart phone, as well as for the archive.

If you post a question, most answers will come as a direct reply to you, rather than the entire list. It is useful and customary to post a summary to the list. You can say what you learned in your own words, or string together quotes from the messages in a way that does not identify the authors, removing headers as well as any identifying references from the text itself.

Every message posted to AAPORnet is saved in a searchable archive. Check the archives before posting a new question. Please note that practices have changed since AAPORnet was established in 1994 and some of the earlier discussions are dated or obsolete. The search button in the left menu of the AAPORnet web interface will allow searching back to 2003. Messages from the years 1994-2002 are in a format that cannot be indexed and searched by our current software. These messages are available in monthly archives along with a zip file of the entire period that users can download and search.

Some email systems block or delay messages sent via listservs. You may need to designate “aapor-net@groups.aapor.org” as a trusted publisher in your email reader software; different programs may require inclusion in your address book or whitelisting.

The postings on AAPORnet can be sent in HTML or plaintext format, however, each email program responds differently to HTML messages. For best results, configure your email program to compose plaintext messages.

Members sometimes complain that they don’t want to read multiple messages on a certain issue. The easiest way to avoid all posts on a given topic is to use a threaded mail program that puts all the postings on a given subject in only one line, allowing a reader to easily skip over that subject. Many mail programs have preference options that allow viewing by thread, and this is the default for Gmail.

Updated 7/12/2019